2인폴댄스 - 마마무 솔라 '헬로' double pole dance - MAMAMOO SOLAR 'HELLO'

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2인폴댄스 - 마마무 솔라 '헬로' double pole dance - MAMAMOO SOLAR 'HELLO'

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Writer LionSun73 Date20-05-24 00:00 Hit17 Comment0


몇 달동안 준비해서 이제서야 최종작품이 나왔네요. 우연히 폴을 알게된 후 뮤비도 찍고, 무대에도 설 수 있었던건 모두 용왕님들과 선생님을 비롯한 주변분들덕분이에요. 응원해주신 모든분들께 너무너무 감사드려요^^ 제가 잘하지는 못하지만 열심히 준비한만큼 예쁘게 봐주세요^^

그리고! 제 영상에 하나하나 번역해주시는 우리 용왕님들 늘 감사하게 생각하고 있습니다^^

재밌게 감상해주세요♥

영어를 잘 못해서 번역기로 번역했어요; 많이 이상할 수도 있어요; 미안해요;

I've been working on it for months, and I'm finally getting the final one. After I happened to know Pole, I filmed a music video, and I was able to stand on stage thanks to the Dragon King, the teacher, and all the other people around me. Thank you so much to all of you for cheering for us. I'm not very good at this, but I hope you enjoy it as much as you've worked hard on it.^^

And! I'm always grateful to the Dragon King for translating every single one of my videos.^^

Please enjoy it♥

I'm not good at English, so I translated it into a translator. it can be very strange. I'm sorry;

#솔라시도 #Solarsido

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