How Would Seventeen Sing Super Junior One More Chance

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슈퍼주니어 Super Junior

슈퍼주니어 Super Junior

How Would Seventeen Sing Super Junior One More Chance

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Writer dreamygyu Date20-06-05 00:00 Hit23 Comment0


Henloo!♥️ another video dropped. i have to admit, this one is harder to make because the range vocal for this song is mostly high and i tried to be accurate as possible for each members to fit in those particular part. btw this is quite an old song (not so old, it was released in 2017, but still its old) from super junior. i’ve back on listening to this song while i’m on my so called an ‘old kpop songs marathon’ thingy. and i thought oh why not i make it to how would seventeen sing this ? aha brilliant✨

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